Meb and Hurley ‘82 Ryan are the proud parents of two recent graduates Hurley ‘17 and Jack ‘19 and have made two gifts to the Invest in Excellence campaign:  

“There was no question we would support the campaign in its early days when one of the primary goals was a new Upper School STEM building. SCDS has been the key factor in our sons’ success, and we feel an obligation to pay it forward for future students as those before us have so generously done. When news of the Livingston Hall renovation was announced, we knew we could not sit on the sidelines since the Upper School Learning Support program is so near and dear to our hearts.  

“We will always be enthusiastic advocates for SCDS — giving back is easy when you have been given so much!”

Country Day graduates the most impressive, accomplished students in Savannah, but we believe that the most important, under-appreciated story about our school is the success of those who are not at the top of their class. Our sons Hurley and Jack were in the middle of their classes at Country Day, but they have parlayed the stellar education and support they received into successful college and post-college careers, Hurley beginning medical school this fall and Jack starting his dream job after college graduation. We will always be enthusiastic advocates for SCDS — giving back is easy when you have been given so much!”